We have tested many link shortening websites on the internet like adf.ly ,adcrun.ch ,linkbucks.com and many others but the site which is the best in our results of the tests is Safelinkconverter.com.
Why can safelinkconverter pay more than any other site?
Safelinkconverter.com provides a plugin which makes it an easy job to install it on your wordpress site and since it is not any javascript script that’s why ad blocker plugins cannot remove it. So more of your visitors would see your ads and you will make more money.
There is also a reason why it is the best paying site since they use adsense and share money with their authors and since adsense is the best paying ad company online using adsense safelinkconverter can pay more.
Here is a comparison of the money made from Safelinkconverter using percentages.
More is Better
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Get Your Desired Link by Following 3 Simple Steps:
Step 1 : http://safelinkconverter.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/How-to-Download-from-Safelinkconverter-Step-1-1024×507.jpg
Step 2: http://safelinkconverter.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/How-to-Download-from-Safelinkconverter-Step-2-1024×451.jpg
Step 3: http://safelinkconverter.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/How-to-Download-from-Safelinkconverter-Step-3-1024×468.jpg